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How to ask for confirmation in Spanish? | SpanishDict Answers
My Spanish book lists two possibilities. (3) is a sentence I came up with. ?Eres Pepe?... ... As the first two questions are taken from a book - They might be correct. ... Just a mistake about the accent mark (así, with accent mark in " i" - SpanishSkype Apr 16, 2015 flag ... So please be a little clearer. Nex... |
Practice with Direct and Indirect Object pronouns -- for Beginners ...
You should translate the sentences into Spanish, then shorten the ... For a review of these pronouns, please check the direct object and the ... is no longer the next to the last syllable, so you have to add an accent mark to keep the stress in the right place. ... . Thanks a lot for taking the time to correct my work. |
Spanish/Lessons/¿Cómo te llamas? - Wikibooks, open books for an ...
To ask someone else's name in Spanish, use cómo, then one of the phrases in the ... literally to call oneself (Me llamo Robert is "I call myself Robert) meaning " My ... Great, Genial. Very well, Muy bien. Well, Bien. So-so, Más o menos. Bad, Mal ... Also, there are cultural differences in how people respond to "How ar... |
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Speaking English - Bravenet.com
Do you have any recommendations on how to reduce or eliminate my accent? ... . "rr" as in spanish)~~~But Americans retroflex when they say"er","or"... so I speak British English. ... If not tell me "why" and also give the correct way of saying this. ... . Please clarify which of the following two sen... |
What do English speakers sound like when they speak Spanish...
What does the American accent sound like in Spanish? Please keep it to describing people who speak Spanish somewhat fluently. ... Also their b's are the strong English b you make by closing your lips. ... . My voice is so low when I speak my native language that it goes up when I switch to English or ... |
FLTEACH FAQ - Accent Marks
I am also an English teacher, and I expect my English students to spell correctly. ... teaching is "Please make a list of all Spanish sir-named (sic) students to the office. ... .. sentence. Much more important to correct writing, IMHO, than missing the acute on the ... . English) is so horrible, that I no longer can take points for ... |
Do native English speakers prefer a foreigner speaking slowly with a ...
What's important is correct pronunciation of words, and correct English rhythm, ... or a foreigner speaking quickly with a bad accent and poor vocabulary? ... Please be honest because generally people say: "yes, take your time to speak well! ... a long sentence with many "complicated" words that I need to search in my... |
A Diacritic Revolution | Langology
So how did those accent marks get there in the first place if people seem to read ... But for now, to any of my French and Spanish students out there reading this you ... And also the idea of a linguistic world where people pay attention to ... . If you are so sure accents are not needed in Spanish, please let me know the correct ... . |
Forums > Course ideas: Please add user option to enable strict ...
I'm seriously considering making my Italian & Catalan courses accent-correct. ... . After that, I'm really not in the mood to switch to the spanish keyboard ... . Accentsalso change pronunciation, so are important to speaking the language. ... . I don't know if the strict typing option still exists like it did before, but ... |
Five tips for learning to speak English like an American - The Seattle ...
The slangs just were flying over my head and everybody talked so fast ... understand the way my learned British accent commingled with my ... employ correct syllable stress, link words for smoother speech flow, ... Also, read online American newspapers and you will notice ... wow its too bad and i knew you. |