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¿A que hora sacas a pasear a tu dinosaurio? | |
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¿Qué sientes cuando sales a la calle y se te olvida el móvil en tu casa? |
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That in Spanish | English to Spanish Translation and Dictionary
give me that dame eso; this is new and that's old éste es nuevo y ése es viejo; what's that? ¿qué es eso? who's that? ¿quién es ése/ésa?; (pointing) ¿quién es? |
¿Qué es eso? - English translation - bab.la Spanish-English dictionary
Translation for '¿Qué es eso?' in the free English dictionary. More English translations for: eso, qué. |
Urban Dictionary: eso si que es
it looks thike a bird eso si que es are you wearing eso si que es. by felicia rodriguez April 11, 2008. 14 7. Shop. 10 Words Related to eso si que es. |
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Urban Dictionary: eso es lo que ella dijo
eso es lo que ella dijo. Spanish for "that's what she said." You can use it in place of "that's what she said" and not many people will know what you're talking ... |
Rendirse ¿Que es eso?. - YouTube
__count__/__total__. Pagina wed O eso creo ._. Rendirse ¿Que es eso ... Especial De 100 sus(Lo que no esperas de nestormora). 325 views; 2 years ago. 7:08. |
Eso Si Que Es (2007) - IMDb
Directed by Imelda O'Reilly. With Kevin Isola, T.J. Kenneally, Tony Musicaro, Aidan Sullivan. |
Nc que es eso:| | Facebook
Nc que es eso:|. School. 17 people like this topic. Want to like this Page? Sign up for Facebook to get started. Sign Up. It's free and anyone can join. Already a ... |
Eso Sí Que Es - TheKolWiki - at Coldfront
Eso Sí Que Es. You've eaten a dish with a whole lot of Bordertown flavor to it, and it's doing weird things to the way you talk. ¡Qué extraño! |